DNA Electrophoresis Labset 1

Code: labset1 24

New from Cleaver Scientific is a complete low cost electrophoresis set ideal for practical classes todemonstrate the process of electrophoresis at schools,universities and research institutes.The s...

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£1,222.25 EACH
£1,466.70 inc. VAT

New from Cleaver Scientific is a complete low cost electrophoresis set ideal for practical classes todemonstrate the process of electrophoresis at schools,universities and research institutes.The set contains everything required to cast, load andrun two 7 x 10cm mini DNA gels. Four comb positionsin each tray allow 32 samples to be loaded per gel andthe 20 gel reagent kit included allows multipleexperiments to be performed at no extra cost.The 20 gel reagent kit includes enough reagents for 10two gel experiments including Agarose, Buffer, DNAmarkers, Safe stain and Loading dye.Contents Include:- NanoPAC-300 Mini Power Supply forrunning two Gel Tanks- Two MSMINI10 ElectrophoresisChambers with two 7 x 10cm Trays- Two Adjustable-Volume Pipettes,2-20ul- Eight MS7-8-1 8-Well Combs- CSL-Education Pack

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