Lascells Splat The Rat - Lenzs Law Demonstration

Code: mag3802 D2-0

Lenz's Law can be demonstrated using the standard Eddy Current Tubes whereby a magnet falls through a copper tube at a slower rate than an un-magnetised weight. The demonstration lends itself to a ...

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Lenz's Law can be demonstrated using the standard Eddy Current Tubes whereby a magnet falls through a copper tube at a slower rate than an un-magnetised weight. The demonstration lends itself to a fun classroom activity based on the village fete challenge of Splat the Rat. Two 'rats' are supplied, one containing strong neodymium magnets and the other just a metal weight. 1m of copper tube and a foam-covered rounders bat completes the kit. In use, the challenge for the pupil is to hit the rat as it emerges from the tube. It gives a dramatic demonstration of Lenz's Law since the magnetised rat takes about 5 seconds to exit the tube.

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Sustainable Distribution & Packaging
  • Manufactured in the UK or Ireland
  • Country of origin has an Environmental Performance Index (EPI) greater than 60

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